Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pregnancy Pics... finally!

Here's a quick update from the Philippines... Life is super busy as we're nearing the end of the semester... We have 2 more weeks of classes and then finals, so in about 2 1/2 weeks, life will be quite wonderful, but right now we're overwhelmed with papers, projects, exams, etc. But, here are a few pics of the growing belly over the last couple months... hopefully you can see that the baby is growing at a rapid pace! A new friend moved here a month ago and couldn't tell by looking at me that I was pregnant, but now it's a different story... strangers are continuously asking me how far along I am, is it a boy or girl, etc.... it's kind of nice that people realize I'm pregnant... before, they just thought I was getting fat! ;) Anyways, here are the pics...
19 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks... this was taken during a video chat with Jessica and Adam... Brian decided to add his belly... but his isn't growing, obviously :)

26 weeks - yikes!
AND, we do know the gender, but since a few special friends and family members (you two know who you are) want to be surprised, we won't spill the beans... about her... no, him.. well, just email us if you want to find out! ;)